



Established in 1943 by Homer and Mildred Scott, the historic Padlock Ranch has become an icon of western ranching. Homer’s vision was for the Padlock Ranch to be the “best”, and that is what the Scott Family has worked towards for generations. This family-owned business has defined sustainability through its five elements of purpose:


A strong family means a strong business. The Scott Family have been leaders in defining excellence in governance, strategic generational succession, Family leadership development, business development, and philanthropy. The Ranch is truly a legacy that upholds the values that define this great family.

Jim Scott

“Part of Dad’s vision was that it’d be a great ranch – not the biggest, but the best. I think it’s that pride that we have in what they did, in what he did, in what Mother did to build a fine ranch. And then there’s the pride in continuing it.”

Jim Scott

“The Padlock is not unique … but it’s highly unusual. It’s a very large cow-calf ranch and it’s unusual in its profitability, it’s unusual in its geography, and it gives me a tremendous source of pride to be affiliated with it.”

John Heyneman

“The ranch is such an important part of our identity and our legacy as a family.”

James Scott, Jr.


Headquartered off of the Tongue River at the base of the beautiful Bighorn Mountains, the ranch has its footprint in northern Sheridan County, Wyoming and southern Big Horn County, Montana. We are blessed to operate in some of the best grass country in the nation, with strong forages that lead to great cow productivity.


A significant portion of our footprint is on the Crow Indian Reservation, and the family and ranch maintain close ties to the Crow people. We work to enhance the natural resources on the reservation and strive to be a positive member of the Crow community.


Besides being an excellent area to run livestock, the Padlock is home to multiple species of wildlife, including deer, elk, moose, bear, upland birds, and much more. From the Big Horn Mountains, to the Wolf Mountains, to the rolling sagebrush plains, the Padlock Ranch offers habitat suitable for multiple species of animals and plant life


Padlock Ranch Company is a diversified cow-calf, farm, and feedlot operation. We produce high-quality forages on our farm to support the cow-calf and feedlot operations. Producing over 10,000 high-quality feeder cattle each year, our system has been refined over time to be operationally efficient and quality driven.

“Moving from a time when the ranch pulled wagons out and cowboys slept on the ground for six weeks at a time during branding; moving into the way that we are now, where we’ve held on to a lot of that western tradition – doing things on horseback and having traditional cowboy styles but yet being very innovative. What an exciting 75 years!”

Dr. Trey Patterson